Journal Entry 7 Time: Saturday, December 5th, 2020, from 10:30 to 11 am Location: The far eastern portion of Ravenna Park in Seattle, WA. Temperature: ~50℉ Weather: A clear day with no clouds and little in the way of wind This is my final formal journal entry. As such, I will be conducting an overall assessment of my site and how it has changed since early October. In addition to this I will be conducting my usual phenological observations. It was somewhat early in the morning when my friend and I started heading towards Ravenna Park. Usually I would take a winding route to my observation site, avoiding Cowen park, which is directly adjacent to Ravenna Park. However, this time I approached my site from a different direction, allowing me to see a few extra species. It was a bright and clear morning and there was plenty of animal activity in and around my observation site. In particular, I saw a trio of Golden Crowned Kinglets on some Sword Ferns near my site. They eagerly f...
Showing posts from December, 2020